Why Spring is the Best Time for Air Duct Cleaning?

Air duct cleaning in spring may not be the first thing on your mind, but it’s actually the best time of year to do so. Why? We’ll tell you.

As you transition from winter to spring (and then to summer), you’re likely not using your furnace or air conditioner very often. Many people take this opportunity to open their windows instead. So, what better time to clean your air ducts than while you give your system a break from heating and cooling your home. That way, you won’t have to worry about your system being turned off and your home growing uncomfortably cold or hot while your air ducts are being cleaned.

Improved Air Quality

When spring arrives, trees bud and flowers bloom, so there are a lot of pollens and allergens in the air. To avoid them getting into your home and wreaking havoc on your family’s respiratory system, clean your air ducts.

Your pet’s fur can also make its way into your ventilation system. And if someone in your home smokes, the chemicals from the cigarettes spread throughout the house through the vents, too.


Cleaning your air ducts regularly, no matter when you do it, will help you save money in the long run because your system won’t have to work harder to heat or cool your home. Instead, it will work far more efficiently, resulting in a longer lifespan.